Wednesday 15 October 2008

Tuesday 20th November-can we call it off next year?

I have decided that I am today the butt of a very elaborate practical joke, I keep waiting for someone to turn a round and say April Fool! but it's getting late in the day (and the year for that matter)and I'm sensing that ship has sailed, the following is a quick guide to the events of today, see if you can guess my mood:NB:all times are approximates4am: finally get to sleep as the end credits for BBCs sign zone start rolling6am:wake up, not entirely rested7:30 am: check that BACs payment has hit bank account as expected, it hasn't, not only that but Southern Electric have taken out a large amount of money four days before the agreed date of payment. The combination of the failure of both these things means I am now over my agreed overdraft limit and have been charged sixty five pounds.8:30 am: have to wake up Mum and ask for some money so I can park my car for work.8:45 am: car loses all power half way from Chilbolton to Winchester and I have to stop in the middle of nowhere. I take out my phone to call the AA, the screen fades to nothing, am stuck. 8:55 am Try walking to the nearest phone which I estimate is only 1.5 miles away. Due to the heavy traffic and the lack of pavement I get half way there and have to turn back as it's getting to dangerous.9:15: manage to get my car moving but have absolutely no accelleration-also a curious popping sound has started. With my hazards on I effectively coast back to Chilbolton, when the road slants upwards my revs all but dissappear and the car will not go over 5mph.9:45am: Arrive back home, phone work to say I won't be in and arrange for the car to go to the garage. My Mum follows behind me in her car so no one crashes into the back of me as I creep along in rush hour traffic.10:00am: Speak to lettings agency who had promised the BACs payment would arrive today, they say the entire BACs run failed that day and that it never happens-I do not believe them.10:15: Phone Southern electric who inform me that there were notes on the account to insure the money wouldn't go out 'til the 24th, they can't explain why they took it out today.10:30: Phone the bank to explain why I've gone overdrawn, it is not their problem.12:00: Discover that a clause in the lease for my new flat prevents me from letting out the extra bedroom, this makes the entire purchase not financially viable-I'm not getting the flat.12:30: Garage phones, catalytic converter has gone in car, will cost hundreds of pounds.1:00: Tara messages me to phone her asap, the gym I left in June has refused to refund her the money it took out of her account for my membership-after I cancelled it. On the grounds that I didn't write a letter.1:20:LA fitness receives a phone call from a fairly irate individual, after listening to her ramblings for 10 minutes they agree that the payment will be made asap-they are a little scared..I don't feel much better even if I did get to shout at someone.I would like to thank all the people who have come together in order to make this day as special as it has been. Without the help of each and every one of you I might have spent the day in some sort of tedious state of happiness, and we all know how I like to make a drama out of things-hey it wouldn't be me if there wasn't some sort of disaster in the pipeline now would it? I hereby give formal notice of my intent to leave the country on this date next year, it is clearly not a Tamsin friendly day after all, so keep an ear open for news of a crazed lady with a slightly larger than neccessary nose having been pulled in for drug smuggling, I'll be sure to give a shout out if they interveiw me on the telly.

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