Wednesday 15 October 2008


It has come to my attention through accident and circumstance(I am lying clearly but if we don't mention it I feel that it will pass unoticed) that there are new comers out there delving into the glorious realms of note writing. This is probably a good thing but I can't help but feel that certain guide lines are not being adhered to as they stagger unknowingly (much like bambi-you know on his first day when he's all legs and saying "bird" and "flower" a lot, don't actually like bambi that much, I know it's supposed to be a classic but I can't help but notice that it's just not that good,this may well be all one sentence I can't tell, I find the comma a far more effective tool than the full stop and don't get me started on the bracket-it's as if GOD made it for me(if you believe the bible this is actually quite possibly the case)I'm closing the bracket now, bear with me as I reread what I was writing and see if I can pick up where I left of) oh yes, people were staggering unknowingly, well you get where I'm going with this, they're probably staggering unkowingly into the unknown or something equally predictable,it's all QUITE the cliche ANYWAY, the point that these virginal minds are failing to grasp is that notes are SUPPOSED to be self indulgent. You are SUPPOSED to be able to fling such trivial matters as spelling and coherance to the wind and prattle on in a non sensical way for one badly punctuated and seemingly never ending paragraph, this is the point. Dear and devoted readers, where would we be if we were sudden;y constrained by such monsterous thoughts as-am I talking to long? are people bored of listening? Am I now living in a world of make believe that revolves entirely around me and my entirely ficticous audience of thousands(actually sod it,it's my ficticious audience...MILLIONS)? The answer to all these things of COURSE yes, but it is clearly bad form for people to actuallly say so. The only acceptable comments on a note are such things as "that was amazing, you are a genius" or "I like your notes so much I want to offer you a publishing deal so you never have to work in a bed shop"(the second one probably doan't apply to everyone).Its the same as someone walking in on you when you're in the shower singing the greatest hits of Barbra Streisand and saying "that's shit that is"-that's never happened to me because I happen to be an extremely accomplished bathroom singer but the point is still the same. So I say this ,allow us our self indulgent rants, accept that we write them for our own personal feeling of importance, do not mock or jeer(if I call someone a "cad" in a minute you are allowed to hunt me down and shoot me) and if you like stories about animals heres one:Judging by my mother dears status she took my neice lily to the zoo, Lily is a particularly small little human(being one and a bit we can hardly blame her) but she is none the less pretty wise(I am now thinking of Yoda-legend) she was taken to the ostrich enclosure at which point she gleefully proclaimed that the ostriches were in fact "Chickens", it just goes to show that no matter how clever you are whether you're wrong or right can all be down to perspective(it also proves I have unfair expectations of a one year old)...So in summary(itsimportant to do this I find as I have been told I have a tendancy to ramble-grossly unfair obviously but these things happen)allow us our self indulgent prattling and do not mock, we were only singing in the shower(I may have forgotton my own point but I do feel strongly about the shower singing thing)THE END(finally)

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