Wednesday 15 October 2008

I Am Blameless And Still Slightly Drunk

Something happened last night that has rarely happened before, I took it upon myself to go to bed because I was so drunk I knew only bad things would come of it, the problem was I think I did it one minute too late.all night I had been avoiding the lure of my silver brick and the night had been quite fruitful because of this-namely that I learnt new dance moves to the blood hound gang that may border on the offensive. All in all it ws a good night hampered only by the fact that Kate had to get up and go to work this morning and now I'm in her house feeling like a lazy burgler drinking her diet coke but giving little thought to the whereabouts of her mothers jewelry. Am pretty sure if I tried to drive I would be arrested imediately so I felt this note was the way to go,a handy guage, when the note starts making sense then I can drive-please note if you are my sister or indeed the Police(the law withstanding kind not the band featuring Sting)this note is entirely ficticious and has no baring on actual real life events-except it does. Anyway where was I? Ah last night, the purpose of this note, it's probably just to apologise to anyone who recieved a drunken text message, pretty sure many were sent in those last few minutes of conciousness which was I hasten to add the exact opposite of my intention-namely because now I have credit I see no need to use it willy nilly thus rendering it again a part of my past with no hope of featuring in the future- I seem to have reconciled my demons, in short I am blameless, nolonger slightly drunk-diet coke is effective in that respect and probably going to do it all over again tonight-the beautiful and enigmatic Sarah of Taylor will be joining me for tonights entertainment so there will be much laughter and phones will be forcibly removed from anyone brandishing the intention of using them(can you brandish an intention? perhaps not)this rambling od pickled thoughts is officially

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