Wednesday 15 October 2008

Raising the bar each and every day

Those of you who read my notes on a regular basis will know it is unlike me to write something purely on a whim-often there are hours of planning involved and sometimes pie charts to alleviate the need for excessive bracketing and what not,I have for example not used a bracket once in this sentance yet being so against their frequent appearance as I am. It's always important to start a good note with a description of your intentions and a smattering of falsehoods and I feel I have acheived this effectively today and so am greatly pleased.Today is my day off,I awoke bleary eyed a few hours ago and glared at my window which had had the audacity to stay open all night despite the fact it was clearly raining. It makes you wonder doesn't it? I mean what is the point in having these glass sheilds fitted in every room if they do not prevent the weather from lightly sprinkliing the candle you brought on sale in pier in order to tie in the colours of your cushions with the rest of your room with rain water? Anyway I chose to bravely ignore the windows indescretions after a ten minute glaring match and decided to set about having a day off. I wasn't sure as to what fashion would best suit this and so emptied out my chest of drawers and stood knee high in vest tops and novelty tshirts-one of which bore the legend "Babe" and sadly didn't refer to the supposedly classic but hugely overrated film of my childhood. I setttled on a grey knee length tshirt for my days adventures, picked mainly because it said XXXL on the front and not on the label where one would usually expect to find the size of an item. Pleased with my choice I quickly jumped back into bed because it was far too cold to be just wearing a tshirt and besides, the window was still open I could catch my death.What to do next was a difficult one,on the one hand I wanted to text Ian but on the other my phone was charging and to reach it I would have had to have done all sorts of leaning,I comprimised by moisturising my face and neck for twenty minutes in order to undo years of neglect. Looking years younger I found myself suddenly full of energy ready to face the day head on and get down to some real doing of things. I had no definate sense of what it was that I was going to do but just by deciding to do them I felt more productive. Annoyingly at just this point of renewed vigour the corner of my fitted sheet slipped off and I was forced to move to the other side of the bed in f ear of the tangling of feet and other such sinister occurances.Ian is always warning me of what can happen when sheets misbehave and often accuses me of being the catalyst-whether he thinks my feet have some sort of velcro like quality I can't be sure but I had to admit on this occassion I could be the only person to blame although the window was now smirking.It took me awhile to come to terms with the loss of my side of the bed stolen as it was by sheer bad luck and unfortunate circumstance but as the once cold side of the mattress began to warm so did my mood. My phone rang. Suddenly all was turmoil, I found myself leaping in the manner of Jennifer Grey in the lake scene of dirty dancing in the direction of my phone and landing with a dignified crunch right on target, which was unfortunate as I had not intended to land on the actual phone. I looked at it quickly and decided that although it seemed perhaps a little pissed off I ha ddone no lasting damage and so opened it to receieve my call.The caller was Ian, just ringing to tell me of his day and ask what time I was starting work. I explained that it was my day off and he asked me what I'd been up to then. This was slightly disconcerting as, I wasn't convinced that my days adventures thus far would translate that well in normal conversation, the fitted sheet incident was sure to sound a little ropey if not fully explained. I side stepped this unsolicited probing into my personal affairs by switching the conversation back round to him, he seemed not to notice which was lucky, I couldn't have people wrongly thinking my day off was not being fully utilised. This leads me to the present and this is where the story must end, there were minutes that remain undocumented leading up to this exact moment but rest assured you have just read the fruits of that time, quite why I don't know, possibly you're not the motivated achiever that I am.

1 comment:

venuss66 said...

Hi, you have a nice blog. Good writeup. Will come again. Thank you for your visit the other day. Tc.