Wednesday 15 October 2008

The truth is out there...probably

It scares me, I switch on my computer and after the prerequisite thirty eight minutes of loading crashing and rebooting I am instantaneously connected to the internet-the whole world at my finger tips. I can explore new realms of knowledge and belief,learn about anything in the whole world all from the relative comfort of my rickety green chair and what do I do? I type in and click on "write a new note". No insightful day of discovery for me, no, just a self indulgant wallowing in good old me- for what purpose?Why do I do this?Is it to share my own thoughts and feelings on public issues in an open forum?No, no it is not. It is, quite honestly to prattle, ramble, digress, befuddle and confuse. I have no interest it seems in anything greater than my own little world- I leave the big stuff to Jack Bouer and stick to what I know best-none sense.I sense this may be the sort of prattling that led my brother to say that anyone who read my notes would think me mentally unhinged, reading through what has already spewed forth from the tangle of my brain I can't help but see his point so I shall quickly pluck a subject from obscurity and focus on that- aliens and time travel(phew I was worried I wouldn't be able to think of anything- why did I write phew? it is an exclamation and clearly a false one as I had to process the thought and write it down which does take the edge of the sincerity a smidge).Ok here's a little tangle of a theory I remember discussing with father dear:He made the point that time travel did not and would not ever exsist, I asked how he could possibly know this to which he replied quite logically that if was invented in the future then we would be visited by people from the future- a sound point(clearly he had not watched back to the future and was unaware of the lengths that man would go to in order to keep the time space continuum in tact). The word "visit" got me thinking though-no there arent many references of people claiming to be from the future in the history books, strange really given how people will do anything to get on Jeremy Kyle these days. There ARE reports of visitors though, more specifically: aliens. Grey is the most commonly referenced alien being(the one with the bulbous head and black eyes). There have been sightings of these creatures for centuries, there are even cave paintings that depict eerily simillarimages.This got me thinking even more(I was very much into my X files at this stage and whilst I do not have any particular belief in the truth of these sightings I certainly knew a fair bit about them)about evolution, the human race(and indeed every other species on the planet)is constantly evolving, just because man as we know him is the last in old Darwins picture does not mean that is the end of the story. Now my knowledge and understanding of this next bit is limited to tiny snippets of information I have gleened over the years but here we go: each generation is geneticaly more evolved than the next, as our surroundings and lifestyles have morphed and changed so have we-it is natures way of equipping us for survival. As technological advances have been made it has been less and and less neccesary for physical superiority to put you at the top of the food chain(don't worryI'm not about to go on some super size me rant about how our childrens childrens children will all be big fat fattys-though it's probably true-damn you subway and yourtasty offerings!). What will inevitably happen(as is the case now in some ways) is that the mentally superior will thrive and flourish no longer constrained by their physical limitations. It is predicted that the cranium (I just wanted to write cranium, ok?yes, I could have said head-shhh)will continue to grow(yes people our heads are already getting bigger-sad but true,'tis the ultimate realisation of a metaphor-god's having a good old chuckle and thinking"they think that's bad? Wait 'til they see my plans for the wind changing"-hmmm may not be a metaphor I'm thinking of but anyway I must press on)and our bodies will become increasingly smaller due to the fact we have developed machines to do the physical work we had previously relied on manpower for. It is also said that with the development of new technologies our need for verbal communication will diminish and our mouths will become smaller as a direct result with the possible development of mental communication(as telepathy not as in "crazy" that would be hysterical though, future generations of humans waving theirskinny little hands around and doing monkey impressions as a new and evolved way of communication).Also, and this is pure speculation on my behalf here(where as the rest of this is obviously completely true)isn't it likely that as the ozone layer continues to fragment and lets more and more of the suns dangerous rays that we will become more of a nocurnal being? Sheltering inside during daylight, this would mean that our skin would no doubt start to lose pigmentation and become increasingly pale, our eyes would also change in order to adapt to the dark. They would likely become bigger with larger pupils(just as our pupils now dilate in order to take in as much light as possible). So where does that leave my littletheory? How does it all tie together in my brain? We have my dad saying that time travel could never exsist because we have never been visited from the future,we have countless sightings of "greys" dating back to before we could even comprehend space craft and the like. We have the theory of evolution which dictates that man will continue to adapt to it's surroundings and we have scientists predictions of how our environment will change our bodies over the course of many hundreds of years. Yes dear readers, when I was about eleven years old I came up with the bizarre but not completely unfounded idea that aliens are in fact not aliens at all but humans visiting from the future. It is very unlikely that a being from another planet would have what is essentially a humanoid form(although star trek would have you believe otherwise) is it not more likely that "greys" are merely more advance versions of ourselves? If they do really exsist(and this is admitedly a large chasm of an if which would really destroy my theory if the answer were no)and they were from another planet, they would surely be more active in communicating and letting themselves be known, if they were visitors form the future they would act in stealth,observing quietly lest they disturb the fragile threds of time.It's amazing how a little thought many years ago has spawned such a large note, contrary to appearances I am not a great believer in aliens or time travel, it's just that over the years little snippets of documentaries and half a paragraph in a science magazine from time to time have culminated into this theory and I thought I should write it down-you may not agree but I bet you watched the Xfiles too.

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