Wednesday 15 October 2008

Boring Day, Boring Words Ipso Facto

Why is it that you spend your days at work thinking of all the lovely things you're going to do on your days off only to find that on your days off you can't find anything of any merit to actually do? Like when you have no money and the shops are a veritable treasure trove of delights, designed it seems with your tastes alone in mind-then you get paid, rush to the shops and everything has inexplicably vanished. Where does everything disappear to? Like a New Years resolve to be a better, more rounded person(not literally obviously, I have no great desire to be round in a physical sense) good intentions seem to disperse as easily as the milk Mark has left out on the kitchen side for the past week has curdled(not the best analogy but just wanted to point out that Mark seems to have no understanding of the preventative measures one can take to delay the perishing of foodstuffs-namely utilising the fridge). Yes mother dear, if you're reading this, I am indeed in your home enjoying a day off- in order to make it seem more homely I have brought a selection of clothes from the flat scattered them about the place and then left a small damp pile mouldering(could be a word, probably isn't) in the washing machine awaiting your I joking? who knows its quite the riddle. Anyway, Shockingly I have digressed, quite out of character I'm sure you will agree(ficticious audience that hangs on my every poorly spelt word)my point is that I seem to spend all my time gazing whisfully out of the make believe window (Debenhams has an unatural aversion to daylight) at work, thinking of things that would be better than doing what I'm doing right now, and then instead of actually doing them when I'm given the opportunity I procrastinate, you might even(but only if your being honest) say that I am doing just that now, convincing myself that writing a nonsensical (really, I need to get a dictionary or at least pay attention to some of the books I read, I have no concept at all of spelling-well actually that's wrong I do have a concept of spelling, what I mean is I have no ability in the area)load of gibberish(yes I agree the text in the brackets was so long you kind of forgot what I was saying before hand didn't you?). So with this startling revelation of my own short comings I am going to bid you farewell and get on with my day, just as soon as I can remember what it was I was so desperate to do.

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